Hi, my name is Barkah Istigozah

"I like to create something related to the web."

My job is Freelancer Web Developer

About Me.

Hello! My name is Barkah Istigozah and I really like making something web-related. I was interested in web developers since I was in junior high school because at the time I wanted to know how to create a page that could be visited by others on google online.

Now I work as a Freelancer web developer. My focus now is to help people in my village to be able to access information in my village environment easily, quickly, safely, and of course can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

I also have a community of learning programming for beginners called Berkah Coding. You can find it on Google and Facebook.

The programing technology that I use and am currently studying is :

  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Wordpress
  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • Vue JS


here are some of the things I've worked on and made.

Berkah Coding Blog

community blog blessing coding that i created using blogspot.

Web Development

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SEO Content

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If you are interested in my portfolio, you can contact me via my social media which I have included below.